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Monday, August 2, 2010

Diarrhea in Cats

The passage of frequent squirts of watery stool is known as 'Diarrhea' and it is a very common feline ailment. It cannot be termed as a disease on its own. Actually, it is a symptomatic disorder of various underlying problems in the body. Sometimes, diarrhea may be acute, lasting for a period of 2-3 weeks. Sometimes, the situation gets chronic when it persists for more than 3 weeks. Blood may or may not be present in the stool, and often the stool is yellowish and frothy. Various factors contribute towards such unhealthy bowel movement in cats. Let us understand the various symptoms, causes, preventive measures and useful home remedies for treating the problem of diarrhea in cats.


Liquid Stool

Sudden loss of appetite

Lethargy or Inactivity

Restlessness or Irritation

Frequent thirst (due to loss of body fluids)


Sudden dietary changes

Dietary indiscretion and food allergies

Bacterial infections (like Salmonella and Campylobacter)

Viral infections (like FIV, FeLV, Panleukopenia, Roatvirus)

Protozoal Infections (like Giardia and Cryptosporidium)

Parasitic worms (like whipworms and roundworms)

Internal blockage (due to hairballs or other foreign matters)

Neoplasia (like Lymphoma and Carcinoma)

Hormonal problems (like Hyperthyroidism)

Inflammatory bowel disease

Ingestion of toxic substances

Liver and kidney malfunctions

Diseases like Colitis or Pancreatitis

Preventive Measures

Choose a good brand of commercial food and stick to it. Do not go for substandard packaged or canned food for your cat.

Do not make any abrupt changes in his diet plan. While introducing a new food; begin by adding it in small quantities to the normal food.

Do not provide food like chocolates, raw fish, raw eggs, onions, bones and pork. They are extremely harmful for cats.

Always provide food in a clean and sterilized food bowl. See that you properly clean the bowl after every meal.

Also, ensure that the toxic substances or other harmful products in your home are safely stacked away, out of kitty's reach.

Home Remedies

Avoid giving food and water for at least a day. It will help to cleanse the system and the irritated intestinal tract.

After 24 hr, provide bland homemade food and some amount of water. You can give him some cooked rice and small pieces of chicken.

Give your cat half a teaspoon of plain yoghurt during dinner. It will help to soothe the tummy and balance the digestive system.

Make sure that he is properly hydrated. Avoid dehydration by providing your cat with lots of water and electrolyte fluids.

Do not give milk to drink. It will aggravate the problem. In case he hesitates to drink water, feed him water with a medicine dropper.

If the condition persists for more than 24 hr, take your cat to the veterinarian. He will conduct fecal test and other medical examinations (X-Ray, Intestinal Biopsy, Ultrasound, Urinalysis etc) to determine the root cause of the problem. Prescribed oral medications (antibiotics and antifungal) will easily help to get rid of the trouble. But, if the condition is brought about by internal blockage or obstructions, major surgeries might be the only possible solution.

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