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Monday, August 2, 2010

Boils on Cat

A boil or 'Furuncle' is actually a pocket of pus, filled with bacteria or foreign matter under the skin surface. Cats generally get these localized bacterial skin infections in bite and claw wounds during fights. Even though a bite/wound might not leave any puncture on the skin; but it might lead to the development of painful boils underneath the skin surface. Boils on skin generally starts as a tender lump, and then eventually reddens and gets swollen with 'pus'. Sometimes, the pus might get drained on its own. If not; lancing the boils by a veterinarian becomes necessary. Read to know what causes boils in cats, and how to deal with boils with available home remedies.


Listed below are certain factors that can predispose a cat to boils and other staph infections in the skin.

Lack of proper hygiene.

Thyroid problems in the body.

Reduced immune system.

Persistent constipation.

Exposure to various allergens and irritants.

Stress and other health-related problems.

Medical conditions like 'Diabetes Mellitus'.

Consumption of commercial food high in sugars and chemicals.

Home Remedies

Following are a few simple home remedies that you may easily carry out to cure boils in your cat.

Keep a check on the personal hygiene of the animal. Give him a bath every 10-15 days with a good antibacterial soap.

Never try to squeeze or lance a boil at home. Keep the affected area clean, but refrain from scrubbing or picking it.

Apply warm compresses on the affected area for five minutes after every few hours. It will soften the tissue and help the boils to rupture and drain.

Mix a teaspoon of salt or boric acid to a cup of hot water. Dab it in a washcloth and apply on the inflamed areas.

You may even try adding a few drops of castor or tree tea oil to the water for the poultices. See that they are bearable and do not burn the flesh.

Provide the diseased animal with a well balanced and a nutritious diet and avoid feeding him substandard commercial food.

If the boils are accompanied by a fever, it is better to make the animal undergo a fast for a day. It will help to detoxify the body.

Add 2-3 cloves of garlic to his food everyday. Garlic helps in boosting the immune system and is also a well-known antibiotic.

Add some apple cider vinegar to the drinking water of the animal. It will facilitate the healing process.

If the boils do not heal even after two days, immediately notify your veterinarian. The infection might easily grow and spread, if neglected.

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