Happy Birthday Google, Ahmedabad SEO Group Celebrated Google’s 11th Birthday
Don’t get confused by seeing two ll in Google’s logo today!!!! As Google have completed 11 years and logo has been updated in honor of this achievements.
Event started with general discussion on SEO industry in India and introduction session. It was great time for all to learn and share their experience in online marketing industry. We had wonderful time at dance floor followed by great dinner. I specially thank to Paavan Solanki, Bhavin bhavsar and other persons for arranging such a wonderful event and providing an opportunity to become a part of it.
Google have launched wonderful products and new features in search technology. Despite of various challenges, Google have achieved wonderful growth in recent time. I am waiting for their coming product Google wave that may be launched in next few months.
I wish many many happy birthday to Google and all the best for the future.
Next year there may be same event for all Google Rankings Master Gujarat to celebrate search giant’s birthday